Our new loyalty scheme: Mojos

Here you’ll find all the information on how Mojos work and an FAQ.

Vita Mojo OS
Vita Mojo OS


Mojos are virtual tokens linked to your online account. You can use Mojos to get discounts on your meals. Read our full T&Cs here.

These are earned by ordering online and rating your meal. Every time you rate a meal of £6 or more, you earn 1 Mojo. We always strive to create a good experience with our food and our ratings help us see how we are doing and where we need to improve for you.

How do I rate my meal?
There are three different ways to rate your meal.

  1. In your order confirmation email, there is the option to rate your meal at the bottom.
This can be found at the bottom of your order confirmation email.

2. When you log back into your account we typically ask you if you enjoyed your last meal with a pop-up.

Pop-up to rate your meal when you log back in.

3. You can rate any past order on your order history in your profile.

Go to https://vitamojo.com/#/profile?activeTab=history.

I didn’t get a Mojo for rating my last meal…
How much was the total cost of your order? Mojos are only earned for meals over £6 so this may be why… Otherwise, email hello@vitamojo.com and the team will look into this for you!

How far back can I rate my meals?

All meals have to be rated within 48hrs from the order.

What if I order several meals as part of the same order?
Right now you only earn 1 mojo per order rated. However, we’re working on Mojos to be earned depending on spend, i.e. you earn 1 Mojo per £6 in your order, provided you rate it. If your order is of £18 for example, you’d earn 3 mojos.

How many meals do I need to order to get discounts?
Presently, you need to order and rate 5 meals in order to get discounts. You don’t have to redeem your Mojos straight away however. For example, you could wait to have a total of 20 Mojos before you ‘Pay with Mojos’.

I can’t see Mojos on the check-out page.
You need to reach a minimum of 5 Mojos in order to redeem them. They will appear at check-out for you to get a discount on your meal once you have rated 5 meals or more.

This is what Mojos looks like at checkout.

How do I check my Mojos balance?
Simply go to the Mojos tab under your profile which you can find here.

Click on the Mojos tab under your profile.
You will see your Mojos history, including an account of all transactions and Mojos earned as part of rating meals, promotional campaigns and as occasional sorry’s.

I have an existing coupon. Does this still work?
Don’t worry! If you have any unused coupons, these remain valid and can be used on the app and desktop.

I have a partially stamped card, is this still valid?
Yes, we will continue to stamp these until they are complete although we won’t be giving out any replacement or new ones out. Once your card is full you can still ask for a voucher code from your store or if there are none left simply email hello@vitamojo.com with a picture of your card and your account will be credited with the equivalent number of Mojos.

If you’re still confused or have further questions, simply email hello@vitamojo.com and we’ll be happy to help!

You can also find out our full terms and conditions here.

Reclaim your Mojo with our Mojos.

